For ADCC Members
ADCC Vendor Recommendations
If you have done business with a dance competition industry vendor who has gone above and beyond, please recommend that vendor to your fellow ADCC Members. Just click on the button to complete a short form. The information you submit may be used on the Members Only area of the ADCC website, or in our members-only newsletter, the ADCC Insider.
Reduced ASCAP Licensing Rate

In support of the industry, The ADCC helped to negotiate a new class for all dance competitions where music licensing rates will be determined based on annual attendance at Shows & Competitions. In the past, rates were determined by event, not an annual rate.
If competitions have fewer than 20,000 attendees annually, they will qualify for the minimum fee of $257.60 (2016). That rate is adjusted annually by the CPI. Given the pattern of flat growth in recent years in the US, that number will not likely increase much in the coming year or after. Those with up to 100,000 attendees annually will pay just $1,297.60 (2016).
For more information, contact Russ McGuire at ASCAP to get this rate:
Russ McGuire
Senior Director of New Business Development
ASCAP – American Society of Composers, Authors & Publishers
A Return to Meetings: A COVID Protocol Document
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List of Coronavirus-Related Restrictions in Every State
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State-by-State Map of COVID-19 Guidance
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State-by-State Map of COVID-19 Guidance
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