Studio of Excellence Award

The Studio of Excellence Award is given by participating ADCC member competitions  to a studio of their choice that best exemplifies the values of The ADCC, which include working together and striving for excellence.

Winning studios who register are listed in the directory below and featured in our magazine, The Competitive Advantage.

2024-2025 Studio Of Excellence

Displaying 1 - 50 of 97

 Today's Date Studio Name City Studio State ADCC CompConv Name ADCC Comp/Conv City ADCC Comp/Conv State ADCC Comp/Conv Date Share some photos of your SOE win!
02/12/2025Rising Stars Studio of DanceMiddlesexNJBackstage CompetitionSomersetNJ2025-02-07
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  • Share some photos of your SOE win!
  • Share some photos of your SOE win!
02/13/2025Elite Fine Arts AcademyPort CharlotteFLLeap National Dance CompetitionNorth PortFL2025-02-09
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  • Share some photos of your SOE win!
02/15/2025Spotlight StudioSwantonOHReverb CompetitionToledoOH2025-02-07
02/16/2025Dance FusionTyronePAPlatinum Dance CollectiveYorkPA2025-02-01
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  • Share some photos of your SOE win!
02/16/2025Dance FusionTyronePATicket To BroadwayPittsburghPA2025-02-15
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  • Share some photos of your SOE win!
02/17/2025Motion Dance CenterBarstowCAApplause TalentRiversideCA2025-02-15Share some photos of your SOE win!
02/17/2025Platinum Dance CompanyWichitaKSPlatinum Dance CollectiveWichitaMO2025-02-14Share some photos of your SOE win!
02/17/2025East Coast Dance ComplexSomersworthNHGrooveConcordNH2025-02-14
02/17/2025Creative MovementsShawneeKSGrooveKansas CityMO2025-02-14
02/17/2025Barbaras Centre For DanceWinter HavenFLGrooveOrlandoFL2025-02-14
02/17/2025Inner Prestige Dance TeamItascaILGrooveOswegoIL2025-02-14
02/17/2025Evolve Dance ProjectLas VegasNVGrooveLas VegasNV2025-02-14
02/17/2025Dance FactoryGreeleyCOReverb CompetitionDenverCO2025-02-14
02/17/2025Arts Edge Dance CompanySouth YarmouthMABeyond The StarsWorcesterMA2025-02-14
02/17/2025Synergy Dance AcademyUniontownOHBeyond The StarsAkronOH2025-02-14
02/17/2025Chez Dance StudioSicklervilleNJBreakout Dance CompetitionSicklervilleNJ2025-02-14
02/12/2025Stars R Us Dance StudioMascoutahILHeadliners Dance ChampionshipsSt. LouisMO2025-02-08Share some photos of your SOE win!
02/21/2025Evolve DanceMcAlesterOKTurn It Up Dance ChallengeOklahoma CityOK2025-02-16
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  • Share some photos of your SOE win!
  • Share some photos of your SOE win!
  • Share some photos of your SOE win!
02/22/2025Project Dance CompanyMacombILBreakout Dance CompetitionDavenportIA2025-02-22Share some photos of your SOE win!
02/19/2025Erica's Dance AcademyMiddleboroMAElite Dance ChallengeWorcesterMA2025-02-09Share some photos of your SOE win!
02/19/2025West Plains Dance TeamAirway HeightsWALeap National Dance CompetitionCoeur d'AleneID2025-02-02
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  • Share some photos of your SOE win!
  • Share some photos of your SOE win!
02/24/2025Dance With Heart StudiosManchesterMICRU DanceDearbornMI2025-02-23Share some photos of your SOE win!
02/24/2025Dance Center of SpokaneSpokaneWAGrooveCoeur d'AleneID2025-02-21
02/24/2025Studio EKilnMSGrooveHattiesburgMS2025-02-21
02/24/2025Ignite Dance CompanyNew Port RicheyFLGrooveTampaFL2025-02-21
02/24/2025Ludovici Dance AcademyNew CastlePAGrooveYoungstownOH2025-02-21
02/24/2025Columbia Dance AcademyColumbiaMOGrooveBransonMO2025-02-21
02/24/2025JDF Elite Dance AcademyPearlandTXReverb CompetitionHoustonTX2025-02-21
02/24/2025Dance ExpressFowlervilleMIReverb CompetitionDetroitMI2025-02-21
02/24/2025Studio 85 Dance CenterCantonCTBeyond The StarsBridgeportCT2025-02-21
02/24/2025Artists In Motion Performing ArtsMinersvillePABeyond The StarsLancasterPA2025-02-21
02/24/2025Studio 8 Performing ArtsMurrells InletSCBeyond The StarsSupplyNC2025-02-21
02/24/2025Bristol Dance AcademyBristolTNBeyond The StarsGaitlinburgTN2025-02-21
02/24/2025Denise Daniele Dance CenterBrickNJBreakout Dance CompetitionRobbinsvilleNJ2025-02-21
02/24/2025Elevate Performing Arts CenterVirginia BeachVABreakout Dance CompetitionFredericksburgVA2025-02-21
02/24/2025Project Dance CompanyMacombILBreakout Dance CompetitionDavenportIA2025-02-21
02/24/2025Miami Valley Dance CenterFairbornOHApplause TalentDaytonOH2025-02-23Share some photos of your SOE win!
02/24/2025CMG Dance ProjectLyndhurstNJDECA Dance CompetitionCherry HillNJ2025-02-23
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  • Share some photos of your SOE win!
02/19/2025Gina Marie’z Academy of Performing ArtsHighlandNYHeadliners Dance ChampionshipsPoughkeepsieNY2025-01-25Share some photos of your SOE win!
02/25/2025Buzz Aldrin Dance CollectiveMontclairNJHeadliners Dance ChampionshipsMorristownNJ2025-02-01Share some photos of your SOE win!
02/25/2025Traci Stone’s DanceLexingtonKYHeadliners Dance ChampionshipsCincinnatiOH2025-02-15Share some photos of your SOE win!
02/25/2025Little Steps Dance StudioSenecaKSAddiction Dance CompetitionCouncil BluffsIA2025-02-23
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  • Share some photos of your SOE win!
  • Share some photos of your SOE win!
  • Share some photos of your SOE win!
  • Share some photos of your SOE win!
02/25/2025Mirror image Dance CompanyDavisCAEnerGy National Dance CompetitionsDublinCA2025-02-15Share some photos of your SOE win!
02/25/2025Pure Artistry DanceTinton FallsNJArtists Simply HumanNew BrunswickNJ2025-02-01Share some photos of your SOE win!
02/21/2025Dance With Heart StudiosManchesterMICRU DanceDearbornMI2025-02-21
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  • Share some photos of your SOE win!
02/26/2025Genesis Dance By TaliaMooreOKPrecision Arts ChallengePutnam CityOK2025-02-16
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  • Share some photos of your SOE win!
  • Share some photos of your SOE win!
  • Share some photos of your SOE win!
  • Share some photos of your SOE win!
02/19/2025Erica's Dance AcademyMiddleboroMAElite Dance ChallengeWorcesterMA2025-02-09
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  • Share some photos of your SOE win!
  • Share some photos of your SOE win!
02/19/2025Studio 3 DanceColchesterVTElite Dance ChallengeTurners FallsMA2025-02-02Share some photos of your SOE win!
02/27/2025On Your Toes Academy of DanceBuffalo GroveILApplause TalentMilwaukeeWI2025-02-22
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  • Share some photos of your SOE win!
  • Share some photos of your SOE win!
03/02/2025TNT Dance AcademyWaldorfMDTrue Talent Dance CompetitionWoodbridgeVA2025-03-01Share some photos of your SOE win!
 Today's Date Studio Name City Studio State ADCC CompConv Name ADCC Comp/Conv City ADCC Comp/Conv State ADCC Comp/Conv Date Share some photos of your SOE win!